Having been exposed to this dynamic so much over the last few years, I started thinking recently about what guys tend to find attractive and unattractive in the girls they meet. Eventually, these musings resulted in the Top Five Least Attractive Female Qualities, composed by yours truly. Before I jump into things, two quick primers: obviously ladies, there are some things you can’t control, like the genes you inherited and the body you’ve been given. As such, everything found on this list is behavioral in nature; that is, you could do otherwise if you wanted to. So while a woman’s physical features are certainly something guys consider, you won’t find it on this list. Secondly, since I don’t speak for all the men of the world, this list will be inevitably biased. However, I’ve done my best to speak from a perspective broader than my own experience. You can let me know how I did afterwards.
So without further ado, let's get to the list...
Honorable mention: Center of Attention Girl
There’s one in every group. This can sometimes mean a girl who is the loudest or most outwardly needy, but it can also refer to a girl who just seems to be wholly consumed with her own life. You might be a 10, sweetheart, but at a certain point I just don't care how intuitive your cat is (see graph, helpfully illustrated by Demetri Martin). I find this sort of behavior is usually a cry for attention on the part of the girl, but actually ends up alienating guys who are overwhelmed by her antics. An underrated least-attractive female quality (that is, it matters more than you might think).
5. Gossip Girl
Everybody gossips, guys included. But some girls just never seem to stop talking about other people. We guys might not all be Einsteins, ladies, but we notice stuff like this. And if you’re willing to throw a close friend under the bus at a moment’s notice, you’ll probably do the same to me with even less hesitation. Not really a turnoff in the strictest sense of the word, but unattractive nonetheless. What comes out of your mouth reveals what's in your heart.
4. Forward Girl
Here's the thing, ladies: we see you. We're around you. We talk to you. If we want to ask you out, we're going to ask you out. If we're not asking you out, chances are (say it with me now) we're just not that into you. Forward Girl isn't buying it, though, and decides that it's time she took charge of the situation. Ladies, we hate when you do this. Let me be blunt: it's an emasculating and selfish move on your part. Please let us do our job.
3. Skanky Girl
She might seem fun at first, but nobody really takes the girl with her goods hanging out seriously. It just reeks of desperation, and guys can totally see it. This goes for internet exposition as well (ladies, what kind of pictures are you posting of yourself on Facebook?). Pride (the good kind) is a value men hold dearly, and at the end of the day we want to be proud of the women in our lives. Don’t mortgage your honor/integrity for attention. Stay classy, ladies, and everybody wins.
2. Potty-Mouth Girl
Girls who swear are like guys who wax their eyebrows. Something just seems out of whack. I’m not trying to say women should never, ever swear because “it’s not very ladylike,” but girls who swear all the time are generally a turnoff. It comes across vulgar and uneducated, which takes us back back to the pride thing from #3. No guy wants to associate himself with that. Bottom line: swearing might have been cool in middle school, but it gets old pretty quickly.
1. Smoker Girl
The clear-cut number one, no contest. You could be Natalie mother-lovin’ Portman, but if you’ve got a cigarette in your mouth, see ya later. On a scale of 1 to 100 (100 being Natalie Portman and 1 being the Jabba the Hutt lady), smoking probably drops you between 20-30 attractive points right off the bat. Seriously. Like the aforementioned swearing, it just doesn’t do anything for you, ladies. Sure, it worked for Marilyn Monroe, and it can work for you too once you become a timeless, international sex symbol who dated the Yankee Clipper himself. You get the idea. Ditch the Marlboros, ladies.
So there you have it. What do you think? Fair assessment or way off-base? Share your thoughts below in the comments.
Bingo! Nailed it on smoker girl. Aside from a girl not being a believer it is by far The Most Unattractive thing for a woman to smoke. blalhgdkdgkd!! Disgusting!
ReplyDeleteI would like to add (from my own personal opinion vault) to Forward Girl. If you're a girl who's being forward because you think or believe that guys are weak or cowards because not all of them or any of them for that matter are hitting on you or asking you out on a date, just stop! Stop. Think. and then stay right where you are. Are some guys not so great at talking to girls? Sure, however, as Dominick states, if we want to ask you out... we will! Guaranteed, if I man likes a woman who'll do what he needs to. If you you're thinking then why am I not being asked out, ask yourself, Am I on this list? If you're not on the list, maybe you're on the other list #'s 6-10. Who knows? Maybe its just not your time and you need to embrace single hood.
I agree with your thoughts Dom. Very well said.
Continue enjoying those awkward panic attack inducing moments with those awesome members of the opposite sex.
i have not dated in so long, that i do not feel qualified to comment, but i did notice something from your preamble that is worth noting. you mentioned the anxiety that can accompany trying to gauge the interest of a member of the opposite sex. i do remember this phenomenon and can attest that it is real, but in regard to your comment: "If you’re looking to up the anxiety level in your life, allow me to suggest being single,: i would have to counter with something like, "if you want to know stress in your life, try being married." kids dont lower that stress level any either. i am not saying it isnt worth it. i would chose this life over again, but what i love about my station in life is NOT the easy going, stress free nature of things.
ReplyDeleteoh, and smoking is most definitely gross.
Agreed, seth. I certainly don’t think single people have a corner on the anxiety market! The sentence you referenced was intended to be a bit tongue-in-cheek on my part, so my bad for not being clear. Much love to my married people.
ReplyDeleteDominick your blog came up in my facebook feed so I finally got a chance to check out some of your writing. I particularly appreciate the exhortation to "stay classy" and the insight:
ReplyDelete"There’s just nothing quite like the ambiguity of friendship to provide you with the occasional low-level panic attack. Makes you feel alive, you know?"
That said, have to say J. Cathy's comments come off a little heartless! With a post like this it's a little too easy to get brutal... He certainly takes issue with "Forward Girl":
"If you you’re thinking then why am I not being asked out, ask yourself, Am I on this list? If you’re not on the list, maybe you’re on the other list #’s 6-10. Who knows? Maybe its just not your time and you need to embrace single hood."
LOL. While i understand an element of what is coming across as heartlessness is just "guy-speak" or an attempt to offer advice or be funny, I hope you'd never actually say this to someone who's struggling with loneliness and feelings of rejection!?
"If you're not being asked out, ask yourself am i on this list?...maybe you're on the other list #6-10 Who knows?"
WOW. Pretty awful... this comment is practically seething with hostility. Kinda sad to read, as a believer you know truth is not truth if it's not spoken in love...
Just my two cents after reading...
Great job Dom! As a female these things bother me as well as I see girls like this trying to be involved with male friends that I hold dear to my heart. And I wish more guys were open about wanting a girl to let herself be pursued. The forward girl (and as a former one in a past life) never gets anything buy heartbreak because he really is not interested. Thanks for being awesome Dominick!
ReplyDeleteSome thoughts...
ReplyDeleteI know that guys don't always go for girls they like. I also wonder why it seems so difficult for a guy to ask a girl out on ONE date. I feel like there's such emphasis on just asking a girl out. The thing is, it isn't a marriage proposal, it's a chance to get to know a girl.
SO, if you think a certain girl is super nice, but seems like she always wants to be the center of attention, maybe it's a defense mechanism and if you'd take the time to get to know her, you'd find that out.
By putting girls in these categories it's not only judgmental, but sad that guys write off girls that quickly. (Might I add that girls certainly are guilty with this too). I do agree that girls with trucker mouths isn't okay, and that smoking is gross. I feel like maybe we should all take two seconds to get to know a person before filling them away in some kind of mental filling system.
I liked the post though, it gave my insight into the male mind, even if it was a bit disappointing.
While I believe that my underlying point is correct. I do agree my comments do come across not so lovingly. So for all the girls, especially the forward ones, I apologize.
ReplyDeleteYou are accurate in saying alot of it is my humor, dry and brutal, which I can understand is not everybody's cup of tea. It's not seething with hostility, at least I didn't write it that way. I just wrote what I thought off the cuff, with my oddball sense of humor.But to answer, no I would never actually say that to a person whose struggling.
I will however disagree with your last point - Truth is truth no matter what, no matter how its said. You can't change truth. Should it be said in love? Absolutely. Will it be received better? No question. However its still truth.
Regardless thanks for pointing out some of the insensitivity and bringing truth to me.
I totally agree with what you have said.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think of quiet and serious young women?